Malawi Misadventures & the Magnificent “Lake of Stars”

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Lake Malawi Africa

“If we hit a goat, we don’t leave it behind, we take it. It’s good meat.”

Wise words from my driver, Jacob, as he halfheartedly slows to avoid a smattering of languid goats along the dark and deserted road from the airport in Lilongwe.

We are on the way to my hotel on Lake Malawi.

It’s after midnight now, so at this point, I’ve known Jacob for about an hour which suddenly seems like not long enough.

We got off to a bit of a rocky start at the airport in Malawi and now I’m mildly alarmed that he’s just seriously floated the idea of loading a dead goat into the back seat with me.

But before I move on to my exciting drive from the airport on my first night in Malawi, let’s back up to how I got here…

I’m mid-way through my 9th annual Round-the-World trip and this year’s itinerary includes a hearty dose of the African continent.

From my last stop in Durban, getting to Malawi required more work than it should have.

My Round-the-World ticket last delivered me to Johannesburg 2 ½ weeks ago and now it’s time to catch up to it. I flew from Durban to Johannesburg and then had to connect again in Nairobi to reach today’s destination, Lilongwe, Malawi.

The flight to Jo’burg is pleasant enough but when I land at the Nairobi airport I am again reminded why various people keep trying to blow it up (as recently as last week).

Note: This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to book through these links, I receive a small commission, which I will undoubtedly blow on more flights (it’s a vicious cycle).  All of this internet voodoo takes place at no additional cost to you. 

It is supremely awful for a major international airport and the fire that burned down half of it last year was, in my opinion, a bit of an underachiever.

That said, I actually like Kenya Airways.

I’ve flown them quite a bit on my past two RTW trips as part of my Skyteam RTW ticket and they fly many places I want to go. Their planes are mostly decent, their flight crews are always a pleasure and they serve Moët champagne in business class (admittedly, I’ve been known to award bonus points for that which may or may not have upped their overall score).

Unfortunately, flying Kenya Airways means connecting through Nairobi, so I muddle through.

Where to Stay in Malawi?

For my 4 nights in Malawi I have just two requirements for a place to stay:

  1. Must be right on Lake Malawi.
  2. Must be driving distance from the airport in Lilongwe.

There are a lot of gorgeous hotel options on the lake. But the first few I look at require an additional flight. Which is not only expensive but adds more travel time to an itinerary I worry is already too short.

After reviewing my options, I decide on the lakefront town of Senga Bay, just a little under two hours from the airport. While I know it isn’t the nicest part of the lake, I figure it will be a good central place to base for a couple of days. 

Within Senga Bay, I choose the Safari Beach Lodge. It’s the pictures that sell me on the place, stone chalets set on a hillside with gardens cascading down to the lake.

According to the TripAdvisor reviews, the views of the lake are fantastic and the rooms are perfectly fine for the price. That’s good enough for me.

The room rate is reasonable but I’m a little shocked at the cost of an airport transfer…$180 each way!

I mean I know fuel costs are quite expensive in Malawi so I figure this is the reason for the high transfer cost. But I’m just sure there has to be another way.

My Malawi tour guide

And then I find Jacob.

Owner of a small company called Red Rose Travel, Jacob’s transport services within Malawi come highly recommended by several people on both TripAdvisor and Lonely Planet’s Thorntree Forums.

I reach out to him and secure myself a car and driver for my entire stay for $45/day plus the cost of fuel (which he estimates at about $60 just for the trip from the airport to the hotel).

Cape Maclear Lake Malawi
It’s not so easy to get to Lake Malawi

The car and driver will stay with me in Senga Bay and take me anywhere I want to go for the flat rate plus fuel costs.

If I choose to stay at the hotel for a day, the fee is just $20 for the driver’s upkeep. Since I know there will be other places around the lake I’ll want to visit during my stay, this seems like an excellent way to address the transportation issue. And it still comes in at less than what the hotel transfers would cost.

Which brings me back to…

Arrival in Malawi

After reconfirming my arrival time with Jacob again earlier this afternoon, I land at Lilongwe Airport at 11pm Saturday night fully expecting him (or one of his colleagues) to be cheerfully waiting for me as I exit customs.

No such luck.

At this hour, the airport is completely deserted except for a few random cab drivers looking for a fare.

I pull out my phone to e-mail Jacob and let him know I’ve arrived. But there’s no wifi in the airport and Malawi is not one of the countries T-Mobile’s fantastic free international data plan covers.

Strike two.

Now what?

I’m not exactly sure what to do. I figure I’ll wait a bit and see if he shows. Honestly, I don’t have a lot of options.

A little before 11:30pm, a man comes into the airport carrying a rose. He asks if I’m waiting for Red Rose Travel.


Relieved I won’t have to hitchhike to Lake Malawi or sleep in the airport tonight, I say yes. Jacob introduces himself and apologizes for being late.

I’m moderately concerned that this is my first impression of the person responsible for my well-being on the roads of Malawi for the next 5 days.

But in his defense, my flight arrived a bit early, I was the first off the plane and through customs and I didn’t have any checked bags.

So he obviously underestimated how long it would take me to get to the arrivals area.

But as it turns out, this is just our first hurdle.

The drive to Lake Malawi

As we climb into the car I notice the fuel tank is on empty. I expected this, of course, since I’m paying for the fuel. But with the time now approaching midnight, finding gas turns out to be a challenge. 

The first gas station we come to is completely dark, as is the next one. Gas station #3 is out of fuel.

At this point, it’s after midnight and I’m tired.

Finally, we find a gas station with fuel. By an incredible stroke of luck, it also has an ATM because I need local currency (kwacha) to pay for the gas.

Fuel tank filled, we start driving through total darkness toward Senga Bay.

There isn’t much to see along the drive and we drive endlessly through pitch blackness stopping only for the frequent police checkpoints and the occasional barnyard animal in the road. It’s during one of these stops that the goat comment is made (I do now think he was kidding…at least I hope so).

We chat along the drive about Malawi and what I want to do for the next few days. But mostly we drive in silence.

Jacob seems like a nice guy and he is concerned that we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot. I’m determined to put it behind us and just go with the flow here in Malawi. I can already tell things are going to be a little different here.

Arrival in Senga Bay

It’s after 1:30am by the time we pull up to the Safari Beach Lodge. I warned them I’d be arriving after midnight so I expected someone to be ready and waiting at reception.

Again, no such luck.

The hotel’s front gate is open but reception is locked up tight. Luckily, the overnight security guard has the key to my room but other than that, I’m on my own.

The room is not at all what I expected. It’s hot and not particularly clean. The bathroom shower is downright disgusting and there are ants the size of Tonka trucks moseying around on the floor like they own the place.


I could also kill for a bottle of water right now but there is no water in the room and the handy in-room information book says (as I suspected) not to drink the tap water. I can’t even brush my teeth.

If it wasn’t nearly 2am I would seriously consider leaving and finding something else down the road. But I’m stuck, at least for the night. And I’m exhausted.

The hotel’s best feature, the view, is shrouded in darkness for the moment so I hold out hope that it will all look better to me in the morning.

Why go to Malawi?

After the disappointing arrival, you might wonder what has even brought me to Malawi in the first place.

Overlooked for years as a major safari destination, Malawi began a lion reintroduction program in 2012. The program brought the “Big 5” back to the country and stoked the flames of tourism interest.

Lake Malawi

But for me, it’s Lake Malawi – Africa’s 3rd largest lake – that is the real draw. David Livingstone once called it the “Lake of Stars” for the fishermen’s lanterns that sparkled like stars on its surface at night.

Today, Lake Malawi’s clear, shimmering waters are still literally swimming with colorful fish. 

The lake is home to nearly 500 species of fish, most of which are part of the cichlid family with 99% being endemic to the lake.

The most popular variety of cichlid is the small and vibrantly colorful mbuna, a favorite of aquariums around the world. Chambo, one species of cichlid, is a staple on restaurant menus throughout Malawi.

Senga Bay Lake Malawi
Kids in the fishing village of Senga Bay

There are a number of popular resort areas on the lake, the two most notable are Cape Maclear in the south and Nkhata Bay in the northern central area.

Sitting on the eastern end of a peninsula that juts into central Lake Malawi, Senga Bay is a small fishing town that’s home to several nice beaches and a few luxury hotels.

Day two in Malawi

I awake the next morning after a very restless night and head straight to the reception office. I’m hoping to score a new room, I can’t stay in this one for another night.

At the reception desk, I met Clement who is extremely helpful and apologetic that no one was there to greet me when I arrived. He’s happy to move me to another room that has recently been renovated.

With that problem solved, the hotel actually isn’t so bad in the light of day.

The pool is lovely and has excellent views of the lake. As long as the new room doesn’t have bugs bigger than a breadbox, I will stay.

Safari Beach Lodge Malawi
The Safari Beach Lodge by daylight

Clement mentions they offer half-day boat trips out to nearby Lizard Island for $90 for up to 3 people. I planned to spend Day 1 relaxing and deciding on my game plan for the week. But I’ve read about Lizard Island and it’s something I want to see while I’m here.

So when Clement says there are two other girls already going at 9am this morning and I can be the third, it seals the deal.

A 3-Hour Tour…

The other two girls turn out to be fellow Americans, small world!

Beth and Upama are in Lilongwe on business and decided to squeeze in a little tourist time over the weekend with a trip to the lake. The boat ride to Lizard Island takes about 20 minutes and we’ll spend two hours on the island.

All in all about three hours round-trip.

Lizard Island Lake Malawi
In the boat on the way to Lizard Island

We chat on the way down to the beach while the hotel staff readies the somewhat sea-worthy-looking wooden boat.

It’s a beautiful ride out to the island and I love seeing the hotel from the water with its charming chalets peeking through the trees. Around the bend from our hotel, we also pass the larger and much fancier Sunbird Waterfront Hotel.

Lizard Island

As we approach the island, it’s a stunning sight with giant granite boulders and lush vegetation resting in the clear, emerald waters of Lake Malawi.

Our boat captain, Manson, pulls the boat in close enough to a giant rock for us to jump off onto the island and then anchored it just offshore. He points out the various cichlid fish and we’re all impressed by the clarity of the water and the variety of colorful fish.

Lizard Island Lake Malawi
Lizard Island, Lake Malawi

We alternate snorkeling and lounging on the rocks for the next hour enjoying the mostly sunny weather.

January is the rainy season in Malawi. According to Beth and Upama, it has rained nearly every day since they’ve been here but never lasts for long.

A change in the weather

As we’re enjoying our time on the island, dark clouds begin to move in at a rapid pace.

We hear thunder in the distance, the storm picks up speed, and raindrops begin to fall. Manson says we better start heading back before it gets any worse.

In the time it takes to bring the boat ashore, get in, and begin making our way around the island toward the shoreline, it gets worse.

Much worse.

Storm Lake Malawi
The storm moving in

As the boat enters open water, away from the protection of the sheltered side of the island, the wind and waves hit us full force and the boat’s engine begins to sputter.

To make it back to shore, we need to head directly into the wind and the boat’s motor is simply not up to the challenge. Each time we crest a large wave the motor is submerged on our descent and floods. It runs for a minute and then cuts out.

Manson decides to return to Lizard Island to take shelter until the storm passes.

Fine with us as we aren’t particularly enjoying the ride so far. We pull back in near the rocky shore of the island and wait out the storm…in the boat…while being continuously pelted with heavy rain.

It isn’t the most pleasant experience but at least we aren’t currently in danger of drowning.

After 45 minutes, we try again.

The storm hasn’t let up much but we’re running out of patience sitting there in the rain and we are soaked to the bone. The motor continues cutting out and our forward motion is apathetic, at best.

After another 30 minutes, it seems logistically impossible we’ll make it around the bend back to the Safari Beach Lodge. We are, however, within fairly easy reach of the Sunbird Hotel’s now very appealing beach.

Beth and Upama knew we could walk back from there if we could just get ashore.

But Manson isn’t giving up and finally, we have to insist that he take us directly to the shore so we can just walk back to the hotel. He gives in and minutes later we’re hopping off the bow of the boat, thankful to be back on dry land.

We begin walking (in our dripping wet clothes) along the road to the hotel. We make it about halfway up the muddy road when Clement comes barreling down the road in a rusty pickup truck. It seems Manson called and said we might need a lift.

Safari Beach Lodge Malawi
With Upama (left) & Beth (center) celebrating our safe return to dry land

We look at each other, shrug, and hop in the back of the pick-up truck, migrant-worker-style.

At this point, we have limited dignity left anyway and just want the path of least resistance to a hot shower. When we pull up to the hotel it’s 2pm so our 3-hour trip was unpleasantly extended to 5.

Clement hands me the key to my new room and we all retreat to our rooms for showers, agreeing to meet back up for lunch in the restaurant later.

A room upgrade

I’m pleased to find that my new room (#1) is a huge improvement over the first room (#4). I don’t see any obvious bugs, the A/C is pumping cool air, and I can almost get a wifi signal on my phone.

Room #1 Safari Beach Lodge Malawi
My new room…a big improvement!

Even the bathroom is actually someplace I can reasonably envision surviving a shower. Hooray! (And people think I’m fancy…really, these are my only true requirements in a hotel room.)

After a long shower and a change of clothes, I’m feeling almost human again. I join Beth and Upama for lunch and we laugh about our adventure figuring it will make a great story from our trips to Malawi (i.e. we survived, so it’s funny).

Later, I email Jacob to confirm our plans for tomorrow and finally climb into bed around 11pm. It’s amazing how exhausting being lost at sea can be (ok, fine, it was a lake, but the waves were ocean-sized, I swear).

(Our boat, by the way, finally arrived back at the hotel around 4pm so it was unquestionably the right decision to abandon ship.)

Cape Maclear & Lake Malawi National Park

On my 2nd full day in Malawi, it’s time to get out and explore the lake a bit more.

One of Lake Malawi’s most scenic spots is on the southern end at Cape Maclear. It’s a 2-3 hour drive from Senga Bay so Jacob suggests we set out at 8:00am to maximize our time in the area.

Matola Malawi
A matola loaded up

It’s my first time to get out on the roads of Malawi in the light of day. The drive through various small villages combined with long stretches of endless paved roads is fascinating.

We hardly pass any other cars other than a few buses and matolas (local trucks overloaded with passengers in the back) but tons of people are walking thru and between villages. Men, women, and children are all going about their daily business on foot.

Sidebar: I’m constantly amazed by how African women can walk for miles while balancing giant items (sacks of corn, large pots, water buckets, etc) on their heads and with a baby trussed up on their backs. No matter the size of the item, it doesn’t even seem to faze them…honestly, I can barely keep a hat on my head most of the time.

Women in Malawi
How do they do that?

As we pass through the Salima area, the closest real town to Senga Bay, it’s all about bicycles. They are everywhere and not just for personal use but also providing local taxi services.

Jacob explains that any bike with a platform seat on the back is actually a taxi. And as I look around they all seem to be full.

The main street in Salima is congested with people on foot, on bicycles, in the back of matolas, and (of course) the occasional chicken, goat, cow, or stray dog.

There is so much going on I hardly know where to look.

Bicycle taxi Salima Malawi
A bicycle taxi in Salima

After passing through Salima, it’s mostly a quiet drive where the only traffic is of the two or four-footed variety. We make good time to Monkey Bay, the small town at the entrance to the peninsula of Cape Maclear.

Fabulous Cape Maclear

It’s easy to see why Cape Maclear is Lake Malawi’s most popular spot for visitors.

The long stretch of beach is framed by lush mountain peaks and the water is so clear and blue it doesn’t resemble any lake I’ve ever seen before – far more South Pacific lagoon than an African lake.

Honestly, I marvel at the fact that I’m looking at a lake and not an ocean.

Much of the area around Cape Maclear is part of Lake Malawi National Park. The park was designated as the world’s first freshwater National Park in 1980 to protect its wide diversity of tropical fish (some not found anywhere else on earth).

UNESCO added it to the list of World Heritage Sites in 1986 and the park area includes the lake, the land area around the cape and bay and islands up to 330ft off shore.

There’s a ton to do around the national park area – snorkeling, diving, kayaking, sailing – and even a busy fishing village running directly behind the hotels and cafes along the shoreline.

Cape Maclear Lake Malawi National Park
My boat for the afternoon in Cape Maclear

As we approach the entrance to the National Park, there are a number of guides ready and waiting to offer their services. One of them is a friend of Jacob’s who comes over to greet us and see what I’d like to do for the afternoon.

How to hire a boat on Lake Malawi

The Cape Maclear Tour Guides Association makes the process of hiring a guide for a boat trip relatively painless.

All registered guides work to a set price list so there’s no need to haggle for a reasonable rate. And they also wear helpful vests with their names on them so you know who you’re dealing with.

I can’t tell you how refreshing this is.

Of course, my biggest issue is that I’m just one person and the boat trips are priced for three people. The trip I want to do, to see Otter Point and then feed the fish eagles and snorkel at Thumbi Island is priced at $35 each for a minimum of three people.

I know I’ll have to pay for more than one person but I don’t want to pay for three.

Jacob’s friend, Captain Enock, is certain we can come to a deal (of course) so after re-confirming that his boat has a reliable and functioning motor, I decide to go with him.

We settle on $70 for the trip and since I’ve paid for two people, I invite Jacob to come along.

As we walk down to the beach, Captain Enock’s first mate brings the boat around and thankfully it looks a little sturdier than yesterday’s boat to Lizard Island. The unpredictable January weather is, for the moment, looking clear and beautiful so Jacob and I hop in the boat and head out onto the lake.

A visit to Otter Point

Our first stop is a cruise around granite boulder-strewn Otter Point. It’s similar in landscape to Lizard Island but surrounded by crystal-clear water.

Looking down from the boat I can make out huge boulders underneath the water’s surface surrounded by tiny, colorful fish. The giant rock formations along the lake actually remind me a lot of the Seychelles Islands.

Otter Point Lake Malawi
Otter Point, Malawi

Next, we pull alongside a fisherman in a wooden canoe so Captain Enock can select a few bait fish for the fish-eagles.

Purchase made, we cruise over to nearby Thumbi Island and coast along the shoreline until we spot a fish-eagle sitting in a tree high above.

Captain Enock whistles to get the bird’s attention and jokes that these eagles really don’t hunt anymore. They just wait for a tourist boat to come by and throw them free food. Apparently, there is such a thing as a free lunch.

After getting the eagle’s attention, the Captain hurls the fish in the air and instructs me to keep my eyes on where it lands.

Seconds later, in swoops the fish-eagle snatching its lunch from the water with barely a splash. He throws a few more in succession as I snap away with my camera. Before long, other birds in the area get in on the game and it’s time to move on to our last stop, the other side of the island for snorkeling.

Fish-eagle Lake Malawi
A fish-eagle grabbing his free lunch

The marine life in Lake Malawi

We stop at a particularly gorgeous rocky outcrop surrounded by the clearest waters I’ve seen yet. It’s swarming with tropical fish.

I start taking pictures from the boat first but Jacob wastes no time donning snorkeling gear and diving right in.

As the fish swarm around him, he holds out his hand and they literally start nibbling at his fingers (apparently used to being hand-fed in this particular area which is often used for picnics).

We don’t have any food but they don’t necessarily need to know that.

Thumbi Island Lake Malawi
Jacob snorkeling at Thumbi Island

Seeing how much fun Jacob is having (he’s a pretty hard-working guy so I doubt he gets to play tourist very often), I grab my waterproof GoPro camera and a snorkel mask and jump in myself.

It is a terrific spot for snorkeling, better than many ocean spots I’ve seen.

Though the fish are all pretty similar in size, they are widely varied in color from electric blue to yellow-striped. For me, however, the spell is broken once the fish get a little too ambitious in their nibbling on my legs.

I decide I’ve had enough snorkeling and climb back in the boat.

Exploring a lakeside village

For the last part of our trip, Captain Enock brings the boat ashore to the main beach and we walk the streets of the local village. Like most of the villages in Malawi, there’s no electricity or running water in the homes so the people get their water from local pumps.

After a stroll through the village, we head back to the beach where we began and I thank Captain Enock for a great afternoon. Jacob and I drive back through the village to one of the small hotels along the beach to grab some lunch before hitting the road for the long drive back.

It’s been an awesome day and I enjoy talking to Jacob on the long drives. He explains how the people live in Malawi and about the history of the area.

I’ve already decided that for my last full day at the lake, I’d like to just relax at the hotel. So I tell Jacob to take tomorrow off and I’ll see him Wednesday morning for the drive back to the airport.

Lack of Power Forces Actual Relaxation

After a good night’s sleep, I woke up this morning with no real plan in mind.

The hotel has such nice views of the lake that I want to just relax and enjoy them. But I also have a million photos to edit and some writing to do. I start my morning by the pool figuring I’ll spend the afternoon catching up on work.

But, as has often been the case this week, Malawi has other plans for me.

As I’m sitting by the pool, one of the staff mentions that the power is out. No problem, really. I don’t need it for a while anyway. Surely it’ll come back on before too long.

Baboons Safari Beach Lodge Lake Malawi
Sharing the pool with a couple of thirsty baboons

Unfortunately, due to a big thunderstorm in nearby Salima, the outage continues throughout the afternoon and as the power drains from my electronic devices one by one, I become concerned that it’s not coming back on.

No power, no wifi, and no charged electronic devices leaves me with little choice but to take up residence in a lounge chair, first by the pool and later down by the lake.

Sadly, the book I’m reading is on my iPad so I’m out of reading material by mid-afternoon.

There are no other guests around but I’m not alone because the hotel’s large family of baboons has also decided to relax today. They take turns sipping water from the pool next to me or napping across sidewalks that are the only path back to my room.

Baboons in Malawi
A baboon roadblock at the hotel

While they are kind of cute – especially the babies – you never want to get too close to a baboon. They have sharp teeth and claws and I’ve heard stories about aggressive baboons that leave me inclined to give them a wide berth.

So while I take pictures from afar, I keep a safe distance.

Luckily, they retreat to the trees at night so you don’t have to worry about them in the dark. And speaking of the dark, the power finally comes on again around 5pm, hooray!

And then it goes off again at 6pm, boo!

I only have one outlet to work with since I just have one power adapter. I managed to charge my phone, do a quick e-mail check, and had just started charging my iPad when it went out again. Grr.

The hotel provides some candles for my room and I shower by candlelight and walk over to the restaurant for dinner. Since they cook with gas, at least the kitchen is still functioning. I have the delicious chambo fish one last time and while I’m eating the power comes back on again, hooray!

It stays on for two hours this time and I catch up on a little work and charge my iPad so I’ll have my book if the power goes out again (which it does around 9pm).

I fall asleep and awake with a start at midnight when the power comes back on and my room is flooded with light and sound. I plug in my laptop to charge, turn off the lights, and climb back in bed.

The power stays on for the rest of the night and by morning I’m back in business from an electronics perspective.

Touring Lilongwe

The next morning I say goodbye to the lovely folks at the Safari Beach Lodge and get back in the car with Jacob for the drive to Lilongwe.

Jacob suggests a brief tour of Lilongwe on the way back to the airport. That sounds like a great idea since I saw nothing of Malawi’s capital when I landed.

Malawi village
Malawi village

The drive back to the city is beautiful.

It’s a huge difference to make the drive in the daylight when I can see the green hills dotted with the thatched-roof huts of small villages.

While in the city, I also want to make one more stop by a pharmacy. During my forced relaxation yesterday, I read a Lonely Planet guide on Malawi in the reception area and discovered a warning about Bilharzia – a water-borne parasitic infection – common to Lake Malawi.

The incidences have been relatively rare in recent years but the book still advised a course of praziquantel tablets no less than 6 weeks after your last swim in the lake.

After consulting with my personal pharmacist (my friend Dena), she suggested picking that up while in Malawi since it’s more readily available and not likely to require a prescription like in the US.

Jacob takes me by a pharmacy and even pays for the pills since I’m now out of local currency. The entire process takes less than two minutes and costs 350 kwacha (about .75 cents). Quite a bargain if I do say so myself!

Wrapping up a great stay in Malawi

If you’re heading to Malawi, definitely reach out to Jacob. Despite our rocky start, he was a terrific guide – very knowledgeable, professional, and reliable. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him.

With my stay in Malawi complete, Jacob drops me off at the airport and I check in for my flight.

After nearly 3 wonderful weeks, it’s time to leave the continent of Africa. I’ve visited Eswatini, South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Mozambique, and Malawi during my stay on the continent and it’s been a truly incredible experience.

I’m sad that it’s time to leave but also so excited to move on to my favorite part of the world, Southeast Asia.

Goodbye for now, Africa, I’ll be back!


  1. Beautiful article. Very desciptive and informative. Bravooooo!

    1. Thanks, Jacob! Hope you’re doing well!

  2. Lovely article! I also love your approach to travel, RTW once a year for 30 days, how cool is that! Malawi was a great travel experience for me, I especially loved Lake Malawi. I look forward to following your adventures!

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah! Isn’t Malawi just fabulous? Love your site, too, what a great idea for a blog. Thanks again for reading and especially for taking the time to comment!

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