RTW 4 1/2 – The Europe Edition

The first of what would become an annual 30-day summer trip, between round the world trips – 30 days around Europe!

The way my work schedule shakes out every year, I have a nice chunk of time off in January & February. Which was the perfect time to do my round-the-world trips.

After Round the World #4, I had a revelation. I also typically have a convenient block of time off around June and July. I had time to take a summer trip, too!

But I didn’t have the miles for two round-the-world airline tickets each year. So, I settled on the idea of a regionally-focused trip each summer with just one long round-trip flight and a lot of little flights.

Europe was the natural choice for the first edition of the summer 30-day trip! I was also thrilled to have not one, but two of my friends, jump at the chance to join me in exploring some of Europe’s most wonderful cities.

Here’s the full itinerary:

Munich, Germany – Rome, Italy – Mykonos, Greece – Zurich, Switzerland – Vienna & Salzburg, Austria – Budapest, Hungary – Bratislava, Slovakia – Krakow, Poland – Prague, Czech Republic – Helsinki, Finland – Tallinn, Estonia – Stockholm, Sweden – Oslo, Norway – Copenhagen, Denmark – Reykjavik, Iceland

Here are the full posts from the trip:

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