RTW 3 – Ready or Not (mostly not), Here I Go!
I’m going to have to start the posts for this year’s round the world trip with a MAJOR disclaimer.
You may notice I’m starting out a bit later than usual. That’s because I wasn’t entirely sure I was even going to do a trip this year.
I had a new client with a show in Atlanta in the middle of January and that has kept me pretty busy for months. I thought I might not have the time to do another trip justice. But, the later it got in January, the more I was itching to cash in those Delta Skymiles and hit the road.
So, in a two-week planning whirlwind, I scrambled to pull together as much of a trip as I could.
Note: This post may contain affiliate links. If you choose to book through these links, I receive a small commission, which I will undoubtedly blow on more flights (it’s a vicious cycle). All of this internet voodoo takes place at no additional cost to you.
The flights were definitely the toughest. Imagine trying to cash in miles for more than a dozen flights on two weeks notice. This is the kind of thing most people book at least 6 months in advance if not longer.
But, with daily persistence on the phone with the Skyteam Around the World desk, I think I finally have a workable itinerary.
After a week filled with snow and ice (NOT normal for Atlanta), I am more than ready to abandon the “South” for sunnier parts unknown.
I don’t know what I was thinking trying to plan this trip on such short notice. Packing, alone, is a two-day ordeal considering I again refuse to check a bag. And I am still booking hotels, trains, etc up until the very last minute before leaving in the morning.
First stop, the Bahamas…bring on the sunshine!!